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    Written by Shelley Cameron

    What Moms Really Want for Valentine's Day

    What Moms Really Want for Valentine's Day
    Estimated time to read 4 minutes

     Love is in the air and Cupid is on his way. As a team of moms writing this, our Valentine’s Day wish lists definitely looked a bit different than they do now that we are mamas; for example, our Co-Founder & CEO, Serenity, had a pre-baby-self-gift-list including things like a sweet card, sexy lingerie, a romantic dinner out, bougie bouquet of nice flowers, fancy chocolate truffles, and a massage. Then one day it happens: you blink and you’re called Mom, and you dream of things that aren’t necessarily “things.” Maybe just a solo trip to Target, a moms’ night out with a pre-arranged sitter, or just some sleep (lol).

    What are you planning to get a mom in your life this Valentine’s Day? Before you stop quickly after work for store-bought flowers and a cheap heart-shaped box of chocolates, check out some of these ideas from our community. We asked our Serenity Kids parents via social media to tell us what they really want for Valentine’s Day, and the answers may surprise you (Hint: they don’t ask for much!).

    Here's what moms REALLY want for Valentine’s Day this year…

    • Plans without kids
    • Flowers and a card
    • Dinner at home or out (this one was tied!)
    • A special gift she wouldn’t buy for herself
    • R&R activities
    • Home-cooked meal made by someone else
    • Their kitchen cleaned by someone else
    • House plants
    • Sleep/a nap/a day to sleep in
    • A portable breast pump before going back to work
    • A fancy robe
    • A gift certificate for a massage
    • Time to yourself/alone
    • Quiet time in the bath or a hot tub
    • Pampering self-care day
    • A day off mom-life
    • A family picnic date at the park
    • Good health
    • Toddlers to sleep through the night
    • Special date night
    • Just time as a family, unplugged and uninterrupted

    It really doesn’t take much to put a little thought and  planning into a special day that only  comes around once a year. You can even get the kids involved! We promise even the simplest gesture (or something she actually wants/needs) will mean so much to her, who, after all, makes sure everyone has clean underwear for the week. Here are some more details about gift ideas from our community wish-list:

    The Traditional Route

    Plenty of moms love a traditional Valentine’s Day. A ‘quality’ box of chocolates that don’t get eaten by the kids, a lovely, thoughtful card, and a beautiful bouquet of roses or her favorite flower will make mom feel like the special lady she is. And if you are stumped, a resounding sixty-seven percent of our mothers would prefer flowers over candy. File that in the back of your head for future mom gifts!

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    Mommy and Daddy Alone Time

    “I would love a date night out with my husband alone,” one of our mom's wishes. Many moms long for any time alone with their significant other sans children. Send the kids off to grandma’s for the weekend and take her out on a special date or cook a homemade meal together. Go for a nice walk alone while the kids play at the neighbors. What’s a little scheduling and shuffling around to give mom and dad the quality time they need together- especially if that time leads to a little sexy time! 

    Fun for the Whole Family

    Some of our moms simply want uninterrupted family time. No chauffeuring to and from practices, no dirty dishes to worry about, no dinner to plan. Spend the day at the park with some snacks for the kiddos and a nice bottle of wine for the parents. Have a picnic, fly a kite, play tag. Just remember to silence your phone- that call can wait. 

    Pamper Mama

    Many of our mothers crave a relaxing day at the spa. Well over half of the mothers we polled would prefer a day of rest and relaxation to an adventurous one. Present her with a gift certificate for a massage or a facial or bring her to get her nails done. While she’s getting pampered, throw in a few honey-do chores around the house (bonus points). Mothers are busy from the time their eyes open before the sun until way past the last kid has gone to bed. Treat Mama to a day of self-care. She deserves a day just to herself. 

    Shower Mom with Gifts

    Mom really does do it all. So, if she wants something sparkly, then doggone it, get it for her! A nice piece of jewelry is not only thoughtful but also an investment that can become the heirloom of the family. Mom will feel gorgeous in her breathtaking diamond earrings now and your daughter can wear them for graduation or on her wedding day later. A Cartier watch or a designer handbag never lose their value, so lavish that mom with a gift she will cherish forever. 


    By far the most requested gift for Valentine’s Day was that of sleep. A nap, a whole eight hours, an entire day. Moms just want to sleep – and not like a baby, because we know that’s not a good comparison. More like moms want to sleep like daddy- deep and unbothered. This may be the ultimate Valentine’s Day present you could give mom. Take the kids away for the weekend and let mom sleep. An even better idea is to book mom a staycation in a hotel room. She can indulge in alone time, order room service, relax at the spa, and SLEEP!

    So, dads/partners/BFFs/parents, it’s not hard to make Mom feel like she is the queen you already know she is. It only takes a little planning on your part to make sure her Valentine's Day is one for the books. So, what are you getting her this year?? 

    About the author, Alexis Captain Marino: 

    Alexis is a mother of two and a freelance writer. When she’s not meeting deadlines or running after her toddler and infant who learned to crawl way too early, she should be folding laundry but likely scrolling Instagram. If anyone asks what she wants for Valentine’s Day it is always a spa facial, a glass of wine and a nap. 

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