Written by Dr. Darria. Dr. Darria Long, MD MBA is a Yale and Harvard-trained emergency physician, mother of three, bestselling author, and regular national television guest. She is a national spokesperson for the American College of Emergency Physicians, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Council on Injury, Violence, and Poisoning Prevention, and a spokesperson and advisor for Babycenter.com. She earned her emergency medicine training from Yale School of Medicine, and MBA from Harvard Business School. Previously on Harvard Medical School Faculty, she is now a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Tennessee.
How do you know when your baby is ready to start solids? And then—where do you start?
Dr. Darria here—ER doctor, mom, and founder of No-Panic Parenting—and I’ve partnered with Serenity Kids, because my toddler LOVES this brand, and it made this transition SO much easier for us.
I KNOW—it feels like you probably just mastered nursing or the bottle—and now someone’s asking you about solids—what?! I know.
It doesn’t have to be complicated. Plus, Serenity Kids makes this transition REALLY easy—both from a variety standpoint, a flavors and health proteins and fats standpoint, and a safety standpoint, with nice purees that are a perfect first food!
First, here are the signs that your baby may be ready to start solids.
They can sit up, with little or no support.
They have good head and neck control—they can keep that head upright, on their own.
They show some interest in food—maybe they’re reaching for food, staring at your food like a hungry puppy, or maybe even making some gestures to mimic chewing.
Their tongue-thrust reflex is becoming less. When babies are little, when you put food to their mouth or lips, their tongue automatically pushes it back out. That’s ok and totally normal. Try thin, smooth purees—as this reflex diminishes, they’ll be able to take in more.
- They seem hungrier!
If you’re seeing these signs, and your child is around 6 months, then ok! it may be time to start experimenting with solids! If you’re not sure, this is a GREAT question and discussion to have with your pediatrician, to make sure you’re starting these at the time that is developmentally right for your own child.
Now, I know this part can seem overwhelming. Like, are you supposed to give rice cereal or not? And you want to give them a wide variety of flavors and textures, and you want to feed them safely to minimize choking, and it can feel like…well…a LOT.
But don’t worry. You’re not starting with like, a filet overnight. (Although, with Serenity Kids “Bison Pouch” you actually technically *can* give your child filet like the prince or princess that they are…but more on that below).
Here’s how to—literally—take baby steps.
Start with really soft textures. Your baby has been on a liquid diet all their life, so start with really soft, smooth purees. This will help them start the transition, AND is optimal from a safety standpoint—which really matters to me as an ER doctor—because they don’t have teeth or understand how to chew at that age. Think soft pureed veggies and pureed meats—my 3rd loved pureed Bison and Salmon from Serenity Kids. You can also make the transition even easier by mixing the foods with breast milk or formula so the transition feels very familiar.
Aim for variety. The “First 100 Foods” approach is a great way to ensure your baby gets a diverse diet to grow that baby palate. I love this because this stage and age is what’s known as the “Flavor Window”—your baby is NOT yet a picky toddler, and it’s a GREAT chance to introduce all sorts of non-sweet flavors including bitter, sour, salty, and umami—that can help set them up for tastebuds that like healthier choices (and to argue less with you when you want to give them these foods!)
- That also means your baby’s first foods do NOT have to be sweet! Meats and veggies—these are GREAT first foods. Plus, products with “healthy fats” such as olive oil along with those meats and vegetables are key for nutrient absorption, brain development, and overall health.
One of my go-to brands for that, is, as I mentioned, Serenity Kids. Literally, my baby was eating Bison, Beef, Chicken, and Vegetables, all combined with healthy fats. It made it SO easy for me to introduce my baby to these foods that I didn’t always have time to cook and prepare myself, and he LOVED them. (My husband and I would literally joke about how our toddler was probably eating better than the rest of us some nights—“Oh, he’s having his Serenity BISON tonight. How chic. He’s such a foodie.”) They were really helpful because early on, we’d stick to the simpler purees, with just a couple of flavors, and then as he got older, experiment with some of their “World Explorer” packets, like Salmon Teriyaki, Chicken Tikka Masala, and Beef Kebab gave my baby the worldliest palate!
- That also means your baby’s first foods do NOT have to be sweet! Meats and veggies—these are GREAT first foods. Plus, products with “healthy fats” such as olive oil along with those meats and vegetables are key for nutrient absorption, brain development, and overall health.
Don’t get discouraged. Sometimes it can take 10-15 exposures to a food before a child will like it and eat it regularly. That’s ok. Some days they’ll hate a food, the next they’ll love it. And they may not eat it the next time. Just stay consistent, offering them a wide variety of foods.
At first, this transition is less about getting all of their calories via solids, and more about exposure. Letting them try new flavors, play with them, feel them, throw them on the floor. If you’re worried that your baby is not getting enough calories, talk with your pediatrician, to be sure you know how to support them, during this time.
Follow your baby’s cues. At this stage, it’s just about introduction, and learning skills. It’s OK if your baby is not getting enough to actually provide their full calories. Some days, your baby will want a lot. Some days, your baby will just scatter it on their tray. And face. And hair. Don’t sweat it—it is ALL part of the learning process.
Introducing solids is a fun milestone—it doesn’t have to be stressful, and it’s about progress—not perfection.
And, thanks to brands like Serenity Kids, which make this process so much less stressful, and healthier—for our entire family.