Written by Joe Carr

Our Natural Products Baby Registry

Our Natural Products Baby Registry
Estimated time to read 7 minutes

As first time parents, it was really challenging to make our baby registry. What stuff will we need? Which products do we choose? Which ones worked well? Which ones didn't contain harmful chemicals? AND are they still affordable? 

We did the research and wanted to make it easier for you so here's our giant list of natural products baby registry! We have personally used and enjoyed every product on this list, and have no paid relationships with any of these companies. 


Here are some items that you don't need to include in your registry! Try to find them locally either used or at a store like Target. 

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- Changing Table: We found ours easily to find on Craigslist. It should come with a changing pad, but if not you can get the Keekaroo Changing Pad and turn any surface into a changing station. We used it on top of a dresser for a long time. 

- Crib: We also found this used for under $50! Look for one that converts to a toddler bed. The mattress it comes with may not be ideal. If not, we loved the Nook Crib Mattress

- Pack n Play: These are pretty much all the same, easy to get used. 

- Bouncers and Jumpers: We considered these to all be pretty much the same, and they only use them for a few months. We recommend finding one used. 

- Glider: This is a large chair that rocks easily while you feed a baby. Look for one that is super supportive, with a firm seat and back, and has armrests close to your elbows. Or if you can afford it, get the Joya Rocker. Pricey but was well worth it considering how much time you spend there. It’s now the most comfortable chair in our house! 


Now, for your Amazon Registry. Amazon makes it easy to add the product, the quantity you need, and whether or not it is a must-have. Add items at a variety of price points so that there’s something that makes sense for every person that wants to give. Amazon notes when something has already been purchased so nothing is bought twice. Even better, they ship it directly to you with a note saying who it was from! 

Here are instructions on how to add items that are not currently sold on Amazon.

- Bebcare Video Monitor: We love this monitor because it a has a really long range and battery life, and is made specifically to have very low EMFs. With this monitor, we can turn our wifi off at night and still be able to hear and see baby without worrying about radiation. 

Graco Car SeatWorks great, is non-toxic, with lots of universal add-ons. 

- Graco Extra BaseIt comes with one base, but if you have two cars you can install this base in the other so it’s super easy to take in and out of either car. 

Graco StrollerFits the carseat perfectly and folds up small. 

Carseat ProtectorWe got this after the first time a poopy diaper leaked in her carseat. It’s much easier to wash this than the entire car seat cover. 

Bumbleride JoggerYou don’t need it till they’re about 3 months old, but if someone wants to get you something nice this is a great choice.

Stroller OrganizerWe added this to our strollers for extra convenience. 

Snuggle MeThis was our perfect co-sleeping solution. Della loved how she felt snuggled by it, and we felt totally safe having her in the bed with us. You can also pick her up in it while she’s sleeping and move to a different room if needed. 

BETS & EMY Water WipesWe love this company and their wipes. Totally non-toxic, and founded by parents like us. We found their wipes to be easier to get out of the package than others. 

BioKleenThis stuff is a magic on stains, and totally safe. We recommend the gallon because everything gets stained! 

MiaMily Hipster 3D CarrierHands down best carrier on the market. It has a seat that distributes the weight on your legs rather than your shoulders. It can be used on front or back, facing baby in any direction. The seat portion is also removable to use to easily hold your baby or toddler when they’re older. 

Infantino carrierDella was born on the smaller side and loved to face out, but most front facing carriers were too big for her! The Infantino was perfect for her size, and she spent a good part of that first 4 months in it!

Carrier Slobber ProtectorAdd these to any carrier to absorb slobber and spit up. Much easier to wash these than the entire carrier! 

- Philips Avent Natural Baby BottlesWe loved these bottles because of all the universal attachments. Get a combination of 4oz and 8oz bottles. We used the glass ones primarily, but plastic ones are nice for travel because they weigh less and won’t break. 

Philips Avent Premie Zero NippleWe used preemie nipples for Della all the way up to 8 months old. The number 1 nipples fed her too fast and sometimes caused her to gag, and also risked making bottlefeeding to easy and thus discouraging her from breastfeeding. 

- Philips Avent Sippy Cup Set Up: These amenities turn all your Avent bottles into sippy cups! 

OXO Tot Bottle BrushGreat for regular cleaning

Small Bottle BrushGets the tip extra clean 

Nipple CreamA definite must for the breast feeding mom. 

Bottle Warmer: We tried a variety and landed on this one. It uses steam to heat the bottle, which in addition to being super fast, also leaves no standing water sitting in it to get gross. 

Motherlove More MilkThese supplements were amazing at increasing my milk supply

Skip Hop Diaper BagWe tried a variety of these, and like this one the best. It’s large enough for plenty of stuff, and has a nice wide opening for easy access. The back pack straps aren’t the most comfortable but totally fine for wearing in and out of the car. 

Tactical Baby Gear Diaper Bag BackpackThis line of products is designed by military dads, bringing the style and function of battle gear to the baby realm. It is the best diaper bag for airport travel or hikes, because it’s super supportive, holds a lot, and is optimized for baby care. Plus it makes you look like an action hero!

Above C-Section Panties: I finally ditched the hideous and uncomfortable mesh hospital panties after getting some lacy high-waisted recovery panties from Kindred Bravely. Pay close attention to your size. 

Pump BraA must have for the pumping mom. This allows you to pump hands free!

HaakaaSerenity noticed that she was feeding Della on one side, milk would leak out the other. What a waste and what a mess! The Haakaa solved this problem by capturing that extra milk. 

Anna & Eve Arm Only Swaddle & Anna & Eve Swaddle StrapDella was breach in the womb and so was born with the risk of hip dysplasia. They told us not to swaddle her legs so that they could develop properly. This arms only swaddle worked great to have her feel swaddled without binding her legs. Was also great because she runs hot so this could help her feel swaddled without overheating her. 

Woolino SwaddleWe love this swaddle for Della because she kicks a lot in her sleep and would end up cold with no blankets. Plus blankets in the crib are considered a suffocation hazard, so this amazing wool swaddle keeps her warm and cozy all night long, and works all the way through 2 years old. 

Love to Dream SwaddleDella loves to move around in her sleep, but also loves to be swaddled. This product was our perfect solution, as it allowed her arms to move up and down without risking her scratching her self or getting cold.

Baby Cola Electric Nail TrimmersBest way to trim babies nails without risking cutting her. It files the nails but not the skin. Della thinks it’s really fun!

Burp Cloths: We tried a bunch and loved these. We got 20 of them because they got dirty so fast. 

Crib Sheets & Crib Mattress Cover: Get at least two sets of each!

White Noise MachineWe love the LecroFan Micro. It’s small but mighty, rechargeable batteries, with a variety of sound options, and great customer service. 

Essential Oil DiffuserGreat for encouraging sleep, boosting immunity, helping with a stuffy nose, etc. Read these guidelines on which oils to use when. 

Cold Medicine: We love that it's completely homeopathic and works great. 

Car Mirror: This is the best one that we've tried! It works great with our car, was easy to install and adjust. 

NoggleGreat to keep your baby cool or warm if you have a larger vehicle that doesn't have rear vents. 

Formula DispenserBest way to travel with formula if you end up using any. 

Teether & Triangle Teether: This was Della’s favorite frozen teether and regular teething toy

Teething Tablets: It's fully homeopathic and really help ease the teething pain.

ClothesThis was our favorite brand of clothes. Easy to keep clean at really great prices. 

Baby Shoes

Boogie WipesThese saline wipes are great for a snotty baby, they get off those dried on boogers without hurting their sensitive nose. 

Boogie GetterSince my fingers are so much bigger than baby’s nostril, this tool was great for getting out those pesky boogers. 

NoseFrida the SNOTSUCKERBest way to get out those boogers!

Philips Avent PacifierWe didn’t use these for very long, but needed LOTS of them when we did because they always get lost. 

Bamboo Infant DiapersAvailable in all sizes. These diapers are the lowest environmental impact and safe for babies skin, that don’t leak and are easy to use. 

Spectra Breast Pump: Some health insurance companies will buy this for you so check on that! This is the one we loved. 

Breast Pump PartsIt comes with parts but we highly recommend you have at least 2 sets so that you can still pump while the others are in the dishwasher.

Ubbi Diaper PailBest diaper pale we could find. Works for cloth or paper diapers, is 100% smell-proof, and lockable. 

Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and ChildcareIf you’re going to read only one book, this is the one! 

Anything missing? Check out Mama Natural’s Amazon Baby Registry: A Complete Checklist!

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