Writing a birth plan forced me to learn more about the birthing process so I could give my baby a birth aligned with our family values. I knew I wouldn't be able to talk much during labor, which ended up being totally true, so my birth plan spoke for me.
Here are the guidelines that Joe and I followed:
- Keep it to one page, so it's easy for hospital staff to review
- Give a copy to everyone involved in the birth as soon as possible, such as an OBGYN you meet with in advance, and everyone the day of
- Bring 10 copies, make sure everyone has a copy including your partner, doula, nurses, doctor, etc.
- Know that it may not be followed to the letter, but advocate for every part of it as much as you can, and instruct your partner and doula to do so as well
Mother: name and phone number
Father: name and phone number
Doula: name and phone number
Birth Photographer:
Point of contact for family:
Name and phone:
Estimated due date:
We want our birth to feel natural, serene, fun, and exciting. We want to trust Serenity’s intuition in every moment, and be fully in it together.
- Prefer a private room, leave door closed, with low lighting
- Minimal vaginal exams, always get Serenity’s permission first, and be careful not to scrape membrane or break water
- Only natural induction techniques – NO DRUGS - Especially sex, nipple stimulation, walking, acupuncture, chiropractic
- Use birthing equipment, especially tub and ball
- Minimal talking and chatter around Serenity
- Wear her own, soft clothing and eat only our own food
- Natural pain relief – NO DRUGS - Especially massage, acupuncture, chiropractic, distraction
- Only external, intermittent fetal monitoring
- No IV, full access to move around and change positions
- No time limits on pushing
- Try different birthing positions, any one that feels right to Serenity
- Joe would like to catch the baby
- No episiotomy
If Cesarean:
- Joe will be there at all times
- Photograph and/or film the process
- No small talk or chatting during procedure
- Surgeon will sew up all layers on the way out
- Baby placed skin to skin immediately after
After Birth:
- Place baby skin to skin immediately no matter what
- Do not wipe or wash baby
- Wait to cut cord as long as willing (or stops pulsing)
- Kneed cord to push as much blood from Placenta into baby before removing Placenta
- Allow Joe to cut cord
- Placenta taken home
- No eye ointment, Vitamin K, or circumcision
- Fed breast milk only
- If there are any issues, Joe will stay with baby at all times
- Stay in hospital as short as possible